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Senior management remuneration

In accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of Act 39/2022 of 30 December on Sport and 8 f) of Act 19/2013, of 9 December, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, the Senior Management Remuneration Policy[1] is based on the following principles, which are set out in Articles 6 and 7 of the Code of Good Governance:

  • Except with the express authorisation of the General Assembly, golden parachutes with a compensation amount greater than the maximum recognised by current law are prohibited.
  • Exceptionally, and only with prior authorisation from the Executive Committee, are the travel expenses of people unrelated to it paid.
  • LALIGA's financial report for the 22/23 season states in Note 24 paragraph b) that the total remuneration of all Senior Managers in the financial year ended 30 June 2023 amounted to €5,840 thousand (€5,932 thousand in the financial year ended 30 June 2022), with no Senior Management loans existing at the end of the financial year ended 30 June 2023 or at the end of the financial year ended 30 June 2022.

(*) amount provisioned in the 2022-2023 financial statements

The primary aim of LALIGA's Remuneration Policy is to generate sustainable value over time, while also ensuring transparency and objectivity.

In relation to the compensation of Senior Management, the policy strives to guarantee that their remuneration adequately reflects their commitment and accountability, without compromising their independence under any circumstances.

To achieve this, their remuneration solely comprises of a fixed amount along with an annual variable component, which is intended to foster long-term value creation, promote the retention and motivation of managerial personnel, and align their interests with those of LALIGA, associated clubs, and Public Limited Sports Companies, as long as their contributions lead to value generation for these entities. In addition, the annual variable remuneration includes both financial and non-financial parameters. Thus, the existing system evaluates the professional performance of the beneficiaries on a predetermined, measurable basis and enables short-term performance-related remuneration.

The Senior Management has not received any amount in the form of per diems for travel or for attending meetings or LALIGA, only and, where appropriate, reimbursement of duly justified expenses incurred on behalf of LALIGA in the performance of their professional duties.

1 The term senior management, in this context, refers both to those professionals with senior management or commercial employment contracts, and those who do not have this type of contract and hold positions of responsibility in the management of LaLiga's most strategic departments.